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2020-08-21 10:50:35



当建造一个新体育场时,首先要考虑它的位置和比赛场地的方向。一般应选择在阳光充足、空气新鲜、地势较高易于排水的地方,同时场地的纵轴应选定南北方向, 以便使运动员、观众和其他人员尽可能远离强烈阳光的照射;力求体育场周围有足够空间,便于将来的发展;有靠近城市的公路和铁路,使观众来去方便。另外,要 考虑和谐的周边环境,并体现安全和舒适的原则。




1. 场地线:比赛场地线至挡网的短距离:距离边线6米,距离球门线7.5米。在比赛场地边线外应当有不小于1.5米宽的草皮边缘。

2. 下水道:比赛场地必须有排水系统,以免因大雨而影响比赛进行。

3. 急救通道:具有救护车.消防车等直达场地的急救通道。

4. 场地周围广告牌:当建筑新的体育场时,必须注意场地周围广告牌的放置不可阻挡观众的视线。一般广告牌的高度是90厘米,比赛场地线和广告牌之间的小距离是:边线外5米、球门线后,角旗处为2米;球门区线相交处为3.5米。

5. 旗杆:体育场至少需安装五根旗杆,或是配置至少能悬挂五面旗帜的相关设施。



足球比赛场地是长方形,其长度不得大于120米或小于90米,宽度不得大于90米或小于45米。在任何情况下,长度必须超过宽度。国际足联(FIFA)对认可场地的规格要求为105*68米 。













4、隔水层:采用新加厚隔水薄膜,搭接处应大于200mm,边沿余量大于150 mm







1、在人造草产品进场施工前,首先要对场地基础的平整度、坡度和表面观感进行检测,其中平整度的误差不得超过3M直尺3mm,根据广州降水量偏多的气候特 点,场地的排水坡度不得少于0.7%,如平整度和坡度达不到上述指标,则需要对场地基础进行整改,在达到上述要求后,方可进场施工;





6、将2030厘米宽的连接带沿草皮接缝处铺开,放入草皮下面,尽量使草皮的接缝位于连接带的中央(如果被雨水打湿,需晾晒半天使之干燥),然后将胶水用橡皮刮板均匀地涂刮在连接带上,再把两边的草皮拼合,胶粘于连接带上,并用橡胶锤捶打,务求使结合部分粘接紧密。如果拉直后拼合处缝隙较大,可在此 处隔2-5厘米割开一道,向接口处拉伸,以确保外形美观;

































根据国际足球联合会规定,世界杯足球赛决赛阶段使用的足球场必须是68m×105m,边线和端线外各有2m宽的保护带,所以标准足球场草坪面积应为72m×109m。通常草坪外还有10~15m的缓冲地带,多用来设置商业广告和教练员休息棚。以上是专业足球场的要求,对于田径足球场,则在草坪外周铺设周长400m6 ~8条塑胶跑道。

































在热带和亚热带多雨地区,足球场草坪可选用狗牙根,细叶结缕草,杂交结缕草和地毯草;在南过度带应选择较耐寒的狗牙根,结缕草,翦股颖中的ProminentWashington(C-50),高羊茅中的耐热品种如Houndog, AdventureCrossfire等。为使冬季有绿色的足球场,可用黑麦草补播。一般可根据气候特点在8月或10月份进行交播。而在温带半干旱地区多用高羊茅的细叶品种和草地早熟禾中的抗病品种均适于足球场草坪。







(2) 根据设计图纸要求,足球场设置喷头35个,每个喷头的喷洒半径可达到20米,可以调节。设置网式过滤器,喷洒角度30360度可以从顶部调节,能够充分浇灌草坪场地,确保场地中无漏喷。

(3) 喷灌系统包括TORO控制器、电磁阀,配备湿度感探头,自动控制喷洒,做到既经济又实用。喷洒时间与水量可以按需要选择。




























































Artificial turf football field

一、The principle of construction


When construct a new stadium, we must first consider the location and direction of the venue. General should choose fresh air in the sunny, easy drainage higher place, at the same time the site should be selected longitudinal north-south direction, so that athletes, spectators and other people as much as possible away from strong sunlight; strive to there is enough space around the stadium, for future development; there is close to the city's roads and railways, to make the audience convenient. In addition, to consider the harmonious surrounding environment, and reflect the principle of safety and comfort.


二、Construction requirements

Football venues must be absolutely flat, natural, should be equipped with a complete drainage system.

1.Yard line: the venue line to backstop the shortest distance: the distance from the edge is 6 meters, 7.5 meters away from the goal line. In the venue of the sidelines should be not less than 1.5 meters wide turf edge.

2.Sewer: the game must have a drainage system, so as not to affect the game due to heavy rain.

3.First aid: ambulance, fire engines and other direct access to the site.

4.Sites around the billboard: when the new stadium building, placed around the site must pay attention to the line of sight of the billboard unstoppable audience. The maximum height of general billboard is 90 cm, the minimum distance between the pitch line and billboards are: line outside the 5 meters behind the goal line, corner point is 2 meters the goal area line; at the intersection of 3.5 meters.

5.Flagpole: The stadium at least need to install five flagpoles, or related facilities can be suspended at least five flags.


二、Football field specifications


Football venue is a rectangle, the length of not more than 120 meters or less than 90 meters, the width of not more than 90 meters or less than 45 meters. In any case, the length should be greater than width. FIFA (FIFA) on site accreditation requirements for 105*68 meters.

Standard pitch length of the line is called side line, standard venue width line called the line. The arena by two lines and two lines are formed, each line width (12 cm) are included in the site (see Figure 1), and the buffer around less than 2 meters.


三、Ground requirements


The slope toward the sides of 4% around 4% in slope slope toward both ends of 3%.

Football field specifications sketch map

The venue is a turtle shaped ground tilt, turf inclination of 4%-5%, which are good for drainage. Players make their high degree of difficulty in training and reasonable collision when the accident happened.

The basis of artificial turf is recommended for the use of economical type C25 cement concrete, thickness of 180mm - 200mm.


四、Artificial turf quality requirements for cement based


1, the smoothness of the qualified rate in more than 96%, 5 meters straight error 3mm.

2, the slope of curve 8%, 5% straight, flat surface should be smooth, ensure the drainage.

3, the strength and stability of surface cracks uniform solid. No broken edge seams, smooth, with about 6000mm*6000mm cut as well. Cushion compaction, compaction degree is greater than 96%, in medium rolling machine pressure after no significant wheelpath. The surface wave phenomenon. Loose.

4, the water layer: the use of new thickening water film, the overlap should be greater than 200mm, the margin of more than 150 mm.

5, maintenance period: basic maintenance period of 3-4 weeks.


五、Football field size (unit: m)


六、Standard artificial grass football field construction process


A. construction scheme


1, before entering the construction of artificial grass products, first of all to roughness on the ground, slope and surface appearance were detected, the error of flatness shall not exceed 3M ruler 3mm, according to the climate characteristics of Guangzhou more precipitation, drainage slope site shall not be less than 0.7%, such as roughness and slope is not up to the above the index, you need to place the basis for rectification, in meet the above requirements, before entering the construction;

2, put the line (measurement), find the center point of the site and the two semi circle, and according to the three point positioning ruler line, set the venue line and sideline intersection, and then set the site in the corner, by the Pythagorean theorem, the exact location of the line, and then set the function point, line position; and mark or paint line appears.

3, the turf moved down a side entrance direction spread, and to ensure that the A1 volume and the bottom line white fabric in the grass is consistent, then followed by the end of each volume turf line to the other end in advance, at the same time, to ensure that the line and line A14 or A15 volume in turf is consistent, the volume A28 the white turf with another line match, on the turf spread process, reduce the wrinkle appears;

4, will also weave white turf part must be manually cut into width of 120mm white line, set aside;

5, the green turf joints overlap 2-3 cm, with grass cutter push from the overlap of the central cut, so that the two sides of the turf as much as possible to close the compact, and then cut with a knife;

6, connect with spread along the turf seams 20 or 30 cm wide, into the grass below, try to make the connection with the turf joint is located in the central (if it is wet, semi dry to dry, and then the angel) universal glue evenly coated with rubber scraper scraping on the connecting belt, put on both sides the turf mosaic, adhered to the connecting band, and with a rubber hammer to beat, thus combining part bonding. If straightened and put together at larger gap, here every 2-5 cm cut a stretch to the interface, in order to ensure the beautiful appearance;

7, the basic turf after the splicing, again pull fixed function of each line, accurate position, with the knife cut, cut the grass out, will be connected with in scraping glue, originally prepared white line back into the grass, after cementation, with a rubber hammer beat repeatedly. In order to bond closely connecting part.

8, when the turf paving after the splicing, the turf pleated part requires opening to straighten paper knife resection overlap, docking, and cementation;

9, turf after all the adhesive, began combing brush grass machine: first time brush grass machine will the lodging grass line comb up.

10, so far the turf paving construction completed.


B, Supplementary filling method


1, according to the 4M*4M specification on the whole point, according to the different height of grass per square meter kilograms sand filling the quartz sand evenly spreading to the specified area, with brushing machine will be uniformly spread and quartz sand grass line comb, and vertical combing once.

2, according to the 4M*4M specification on the whole point, according to the different height of grass per square meter kilograms will note particles of uniform particles spreading to the specified area, with brush grass particles dispersed homogeneously and the machine will comb the grass line, and vertical combing once.

3, after the completion of all the filling, and then brush the grass machine carding comb each time.

4, after the completion of the work, detection and clearance in accordance with the quality of the artificial grass surface layer requirements for the unqualified for rectification.


七、50MM artificial grass surface acceptance criteria


1, appearance:

(1) Artificial turf grass is uniform, and the side line、baseline, point bit line with smooth, straight, uniform color, no chromatic aberration.

(2)The size and location of the function lines,the line width and the location of the functional area are in line with the standard.

(3)No obvious gap between the two pieces of turf seams bonded compact not glue.

(4)Filling sand particles and clean surface, filling full, site flatness error range shall not exceed 3M ruler 1cm.


2, accessories and filler thickness:

50MM artificial grass needs the following accessories:

3, smoothness, slope

Since the thickness of the artificial turf is determined by the length of the grass, and the length of the grass is fixed, there is no need for further testing of the flatness and slope of the artificial grass after the acceptance of the flatness and the slope of the foundation.


4, the precision of each point line distance

For all kinds of functional lines, the marking color and size of the point line shall comply with the requirements of the FIFA rules, and the error shall not exceed 2cm.

As long as you follow the correct operation of the above program, I believe you will be able to build a good artificial grass football field.


Natural grass football field


The football field project, to design the drawings provided by the design unit according to the construction unit ---permeable layer, the design of blind ditch, the plastic surface layer of plastic runway layout, drainage pipeline engineering and technical standards of plane, determine the elevation design.

一、The stadium site standards:

According to the provisions of the International Football Federation, the use of football World Cup finals must be 68m * 105m line and the line outside the protected 2m wide band, so the standard football field lawn area buffer zone is 72m * 109m. and 10~15m usually lawn, used to set up the commercial advertising and the rest of the coaches the above is a professional football studio. The requirements for football field, laid 6 ~8 400m perimeter plastic runway in peripheral lawn.


二、Football field measurement and elevation:

On the point in strict accordance with the survey, review, approval in three steps. Survey, review staff carefully review the drawings. Setting out data calculation. Surveying and review should be carried out in different observation conditions, on the plane by setting out point distance and direction to check, measure and check the error should not be greater than 10 mm, the review qualified after the party, supervision and acceptance. The football field to the elevation of plastic runway surface layer is about 0 of the benchmark, as the elevation base football.


三、The basic requirements of football venues:

The football ground refers to the use of district and the surrounding area. The use of non horizontal relationship due to the climate, in shape and different investment in football ground level, shallow, shallow furrow and high form layout.


四、The football field drainage system:

The football field drainage system including drainage gravel or gravel layer, drainage pipes, drainage duct.

1.Herringbone drainage network with 1 football field of underground drainage engineering, vertical seepage into the drainage pipes, drainage pipes around the drainage duct by access, drainage duct connected to the air ventilation system, the pipeline is used for drainage, and can be used for air conditioning and drainage through the air ventilation system.

2.According to the design and sketch, blind ditch buried with 100mm water pipe (domestic), laying around Phi 150mm pipe.

3.The underground drainage pipe longitudinal drainage slope is 3% (design requirements).

五、Football field soil ventilation system:

The system is provided by the SoilAir technology company of the United States. This system is only used in the higher level courts.


六、Football field structure layer:


In order to meet the requirements of the football field, the structure of the site is as follows:

1、The pebble bed  2、Gravel layer  3、Coarse sand layer  4、sandy soil layer

The structural layer is characterized by:

(1) plus a variety of organic fertilizer with medium and medium sand, the formation of the football field bed Ping planting base, plus sprinkling system, drainage system and heating ventilation system, formed the basic structure of a football field and reasonable, it makes the football field to maintain a good three requirements, namely: solid, gas the entire site, water, good air permeability, good drainage effect, provides a good condition for the grass root development, make the lawn easier to maintain good ping, grass layer, meet the ornamental function and use function of the site.

(2) the site is relatively flat. But the traditional planting turf bed layer after repeated trampling, easy to produce uneven, different degrees of compaction. Sandy loam layer can be cultivated through punching, rolling, sand repair method, the site remains flat.

(3) it is easy to repair the lawn, because it is sandy loam, so it can cut, eradicate, repair, repair, and easy to repair.

(4) the drainage performance of this structure is good, the northern region is hot and rainy in summer, this site can ensure the 150mm / h drainage, so that timely drainage, no water in the field.


七、Football field pitch requirements:

1.according to the requirements of the use of the football field, the football scene should be very smooth.

2.according to the football field of underground drainage network settings, site vertical seepage into the drainage pipes, then enters the central drainage duct, directly discharged outside.


八、Turf grass selectionsowing:

1.football field grass, wear resistance, resistance to trampling, strong regeneration ability, quick recovery, strong resistance, can adapt to the local climate, uniform color.

2.the world is not like a golf course for the football field turf grass species, so only the relative trampling resistance and strong resistance of the species and cultivars. The football field turf grass can grow well under suitable climatic conditions, trampling have very good recovery ability.

In the tropical and subtropical rainy regions, football turf can be selected bermuda grass, Zoysia tenuifolia, Hybrid Zoysia and carpet grass; in the southern transition zone should choose a hardy bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, bentgrass in Prominent and Washington (C-50), resistant varieties such as Houndog in tall fescue Adventure, and Crossfire. In order to make the winter football green, overdrilling. Generally available ryegrass according to the climatic characteristics of overseeding in August or October. In temperate semi-arid region with tall fescue leaves and varieties of Kentucky Bluegrass The resistant varieties are suitable for the football field lawn.


九、Sprinkler irrigation system:

1.sprinkler system made of corrosion-resistant UPVC pipe laying underground irrigation water. Two. Party A shall provide the cyclization flow 28L/S 80m can meet the requirements of the pump head. After the completion of the construction requirements for pipeline pressure test, the test pressure is 1.5 times the working pressure.

2.the football field of nozzle was used (or American beauty TORO690 PK90, her 9000) series. Spray radius of up to 20--29 meters, 6.12KG / cm2. spray nozzle pressure shrinkage on the ground below, at the top of the nozzle with standard rubber cover, to ensure the safety of athletes.

3.sprinkler system selects the American brand TORO series of products, through our extensive market research and long-term construction experience, TORO products are used in the arena, stadium construction in the large market share, the technology of high precision, good quality, long service life, a sort of up to 25 years.

(1) the spray nozzle is made of stainless steel, the standard rubber top cover, TORO690 series, automatically rises when the water is turned on, and when it is closed, it will be automatically condensed, which can ensure the safety of the athletes

(2) according to the requirements of design drawings, the football field set 35 nozzle, spray radius of each nozzle can reach 20 meters, can be adjusted. Set the screen filter, spraying angle of 30 - 360 degrees can be regulated from the top, can fully watering the lawn area, ensure no leakage and blowout venues.

(3) sprinkler system includes TORO controller, solenoid valve, equipped with humidity sensor, automatic control spray, so that both economical and practical.

(4) pipeline corrosion resistant PVC pipe.


To sum up, the sprinkler system is composed of sprinkler head, automatic controller, solenoid valve and PVC tube, and the cross organization sprinkler irrigation is the most advanced and the most commonly used sprinkler system.


Construction flow chart of football field

In the flow direction, generally from the middle to both ends of the drainage, slope is 4 per thousand, the construction according to the actual situation to adjust, but must meet the ditch drainage fluid.


十一、The basis of the stadium and runway layingEllipsis


十二、Sprinkler pipe construction

1.construction must comply with the relevant national safety, quality and health regulations

2.follow the first underground, on the ground after and deep to shallow. The principle of sprinkler pipe installation should be blind ditch and floor water filter before the tube around the stadium construction, and construction of the blind pipe ditch to be assigned to watch, to protect the sprinkler pipe.

3.according to the specific climatic region, pipeline buried depth of about 80cm, according to the pipeline buried depth, trench excavation depth below the blind pipe bottom elevation, the ditch bottom shall be flat. The backfill should be divided into two times, the lower the soil backfill should comply with the requirements of the original soil with sand or soil, compaction.

4.pipe installation must be horizontal and vertical pipe after completion of pressure test should be carried out, the test time is 30 minutes. The results should be consistent with the design specifications and requirements. The general requirements in nozzle pressure (6.12 kg) 1.5 times, 9 kg for the pressure test standard, try to get approval and by construction unit concealed engineering acceptance pressure.

5.coordinate and strictly control the nozzle, and the nozzle radius. Elevation of sprinkler layout requirements of uniform spraying, accurate dynamic correction of nozzle elevation and construction. Position should not be dead. The coverage of spray nozzle is installed to ensure the safety of athletes, not hurt.


十三、Blind ditch construction

1, according to the design requirements, to play the blind ditch line.

2, blind ditch excavation according to design requirements, the water was 3 per thousand, to ensure smooth drainage, blind ditch excavation width of 30 cm, the groove depth of 25 - 35 cm, leaving no soil trench.

3, blind ditch three side laying screens (60 mesh).

4, the ditch laying 10cm thick with 3 5cm gravel.

5, on the 100 hole stone diameter PVC tube, PVC tube drainage and drainage duct connected and sealed interface.

6, 3-5cm gravel covered blind ditch with phi, to fill the blind ditch flat.


十四、Laying the filter layer

1, the determination of elevation, laying 15cm thick 2-4-6 gravel

2, compaction of gravel layer, leveling.

3, in the face of the gravel layer on the window covered with sand, sand sand containment, window lap width not less than 10 cm. Paved.


十五、Laying the planting layer

The first in the field of sand sieve, sieve to large size gravel and impurities, and then according to the proportion of mixed soil improvement agent, mixing, stirring after the approach, from the periphery to the center to spread out the design requirements of elevation, watering, compaction, looking straight to reach the standard.


十六、The construction of the quality of commitment and time limit (Ellipsis)

十七、Lawn maintenance program

()Organizational measures:

Good disease prevention, treatment, pruning, maintenance, maintain the good growth of turf leather, and in accordance with the requirements of the construction side, timely adjust the growth of lawn grass, in order to meet the requirements of the stadium.


()Conservation programme:

1.seedling management: build new lawn after need special maintenance about 4 to 6 weeks. In this period, frequent watering lawn to promote root growth and root activity. To keep the soil moist until seedlings reached as high as 5cm, and then gradually reduce the number of watering. During this period, the need for adequate fertilizer to seedling in order to meet the needs of active growth, is conducive to the formation of mature turf growth robust. Mild rolling before the new lawn first pruning can promote root tillering and stolon growth. It should be noted that: in the six months after planting lawn in to take care of the new lawn, as far as possible do not use, in order to reduce damage to seedlings.


2. The management after into a flat ;

1) pruning: proper pruning can make good turf density, weed control, reduce disease, maintain the course function. The height of football turf is generally maintained at 4-5cm, every week in the spring pruning time, growth in the summer grass stage every week to trim 2 times. Cut out the clippings to transport out of the ground.


2): fertilizer fertilization is an important measure to keep football turf quality, type and quantity of fertilizer to the soil according to the local climate, use intensity and grass mowing frequency. And the high temperature, high humidity, turf grass growth slow, need less fat, and less fertilizer. The direct method should always pay attention to the grass to determine the growth and fertilization.


3) weed: found a small amount of weeds must be manually removed, a large number of biological competition weeds to rely on turf grass to suppress them or use of chemical herbicides to get rid of.


4) irrigation: irrigation is the most important football field turf maintenance and management measures, timely supplement of soil moisture is the conventional project management. For football turf to maintain its high quality, timely irrigation, usually, planting layer dry to 2 3cm when irrigation,once every two days after irrigation water, a few times irrigation principle, in general should immediately after fertilization, irrigation, fertilizer dissolved into the plant root growth of the soil.


5) sand: drilling sand's role is to protect the lawn in winter, an important measure to keep site formation, improve the playing surface elasticity, improve soil structure, increase soil permeability and water permeability. In order to promote the development of root system, sand material should be sand based, with appropriate organic fertilizer and slow-release fertilizer the thickness of the sand. Each time shall not exceed 0.5 cm, the grass sand not because of suffocation.

3.Before the game management:

5-7 days before the game to the football field to carry out a comprehensive training management, fertilization, irrigation, pruning, etc., in the first 1-2 days before the game to suppress the lawn to show a beautiful appearance


4.After the game management:

After the game the management usually includes repair over turf, in some areas to eliminate the uneven surface of the gently rolling. The damage is very serious in the repair area, north area to take grass turf, and often make seeds to gradually update and maintain turf density.


5.Winter management:

Sandy loam with poor water holding capacity, the winter water when the continuity of the relatively high temperature and strong winds, soil moisture quickly dissipated, affect the normal growth of the lawn and in the daytime temperature is high water, poured to the soil surface moisture so far. Not much water so as to avoid the formation of geothermal water, heat preservation, so as not to cause damage of the lawn keep the green lawn, period.


十八、Construction equipment and materials (omitted)

